work at home

7 Easy Tips For Comfy And Productive Home Office

For most of us it is time to work at home right now due to this corona virus COVID-19. These are hard times for all small entrepreneurs and for bigger ones as well. Let’s try to survive and stay safe. A cosy & comfortable nook or corner at home will make working at home effective and pleasant.

Home office should be comfortable, functional and, of course, look good. If all these elements are in place, you will enjoy working at home and be productive. At this point when we don’t know how temporary situation this is, I don’t recommend to buy new furniture nor equipment. Use what you have at home and make some rearrangements if needed.

7 Easy Tips For Home Office

  1. Chair - choose a chair which supports your back. On the other hand a gym ball can be a good option as well. Pay attention to ergonomia. Back pain will take your energy and you loose your effectiveness.

  2. Table - or desk, if you have one. A dining table will work (if the space is otherwise not occupied for other purposes such as eating!). You need a place to spread your papers and files or at least your laptop.

  3. Light - natural light is the best. I used to work in my dining room because the table there was huge and gave me lots of space to have all my files and piles on it. I didn’t feel super comfy there, and it was because of the light - or the lack of it. Even on a sunny day the room was quite gloomy and I needed a table lamp. It gave enough light yet I easily wandered to other rooms with sunshine. Finally I decided to have a small desk and placed it by the window. The best place ever - I get the natural light and airy feeling as I can see outside.

  4. De-clutter - keep the space tidy. During the day your desk most probably get full of documents, files, notebooks, pens, technical devices and wires. At the end of the day, just clean up and re-align the things. It is so much nicer to start working next morning when the desk is tided up.

  5. Be Organised - that is almost the same as de-cluttering. Organisation goes beyond productivity—it helps you be comfortable. There's not much more frustrating than digging through piles of papers looking for one particular document, only to find that it was in another stack altogether.

  6. Wiring - check that you enough electrical plugs and extension cables to have your devices running. Nothing is as annoying than noticing there’s no place for a charger and you have to put your mobile phone in another room.

  7. Decor - last but not least comes the decor of your home office. Make it a place you enjoy to be. Add items that bring you joy. On my desk there are always a bunch of seasonal fresh cut flowers. At the moment the window sill is full of daffodils as well. There’re also a beautiful white glass vase, a miniature elephant figure and Smorking Labbit by Kid Robot. when I take my eyes of my laptop I want to see things that makes me smile or be some way inspirational.

More home office ideas here on my Pinterest board Organised Office.

Let’s work at home, be safe & support each other!

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